Document Management & Document Archiving

Document Management and Document Archiving with OpenText Alchemy gives organizations the power to manage and use all of their fixed content—including images, faxes, email, PDFs, and COLD—throughout the information lifecycle management (ILM) stages, with an integrated and scalable set of tools that are easy to deploy and even easier to use.

Document Management & Document Archiving Benefits

Document management and document archiving with OpenText Alchemy provide organizations with management tools to accommodate and maintain large volumes of documents. These solutions offer further benefits including:

  • Common Fixed Content Environment for capturing and managing a wide range of fixed content management types
  • Contributes to improved customer service and operational efficiency: Helps customer service representatives resolve customers inquiries more quickly, giving them online access to the same documents that customers may be referencing
  • Reduces Risk: Helps in business continuity as well as records management and compliance:Supports rules-based capture and retention of all fixed content types, including e-mail. Makes it easier to discover and produce information as required for litigation or audit purposed
  • Simplifies the delivery of client information: Makes great sense for organizations to easily consolidate documents from multiple systems and distribute them in multiple formats, including web and CD or DVD distribution
  • Saves money: By reducing costs in areas such as paper processing, paper storage, printing, and distribution. Is significantly more affordable than most enterprise content management solutions, and customization and integration requirements are minimal

OpenText Alchemy grants an organization with increased ease of access to business critical documentation thus alleviating an organizations exposure to risk and improving customer relations.

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