Cloud fax promises scalability, minimal maintenance, and so forth…
But why exactly is it helpful? What’s in it for end users and IT?
We’re always happy to geek out on the details, but for now, here’s what you need to know at a high level.
How It Works
“Cloud fax” isn’t a single product or architecture. It’s more of a family of architectures that use cloud service providers (think Amazon, Microsoft, and Google) to host fax server software, portions of fax telephony, or both.
That means flexibility.
Does compliance require keeping certain parts of your fax environment on-prem?
Can do. We implement hybrid cloud fax solutions all the time. The important part isn’t moving everything to the cloud for its own sake. It’s finding cloud alternatives to on-prem bottlenecks.
At any rate, the whole cloud fax process is fundamentally digital.
Users fax directly to/from applications—no printing required, period.
It can even be completely automated if and when it makes sense to do so.
And when users do need to access the fax interface, it feels as familiar as an email client. No clunkiness, no 1990s UI, no mis-keying fax numbers.
But Why?
Bottom line
We’ve been solving enterprise faxing for decades, especially in healthcare and regulated industries.
Cloud and hybrid options now make faxing more secure, reliable, and cost-effective than ever before.
Sound useful? Let’s chat!